
Randy and Jerry have been skateboarding lovers since early 2000's in college. In student age, they were troubled to spend their money for the expensive or even over-priced skateboards. Therefore, Randy and Jerry co-founded Backfire Skateboards in 2009 with a mission for the company to deliver high quality, affordable skateboards and fun to all skateboarders in the world. In 2011, we stepped into the field of electric skateboard. In 2012, we invented our first electric skateboard. In 2013, we brought our G1 electric skateboard to the world. However, we're never satisfied, we think, there is always space to improve. In 2017, BACKFIRE G2 electric skateboard is coming to the world, with better industrial design, better quality, and more power.

Randy, the founder of Backfire skateboard, he has crazy love for skateboarding. He learned skateboarding since 2000, he's a skater with 17 years experience. Randy graduated from East China University of Science and Technology, his major was mechanical electronics, therefore he is an engineer as well. He leads a R&D team to design electric skateboard, he also does the performance and quality test himself. So, he knows how to make an excellent product best for skaters. The R&D team which Randy leads, has a mechanical engineer, a structure engineer, an industrial designer, a product visual designer. We can tailor to customers' needs to make different shape, function and performance design for electric skateboards. Jerry came to the United States to get his Master degree in business and lived in Richmond Virginia with his family; currently leads the company's strategic planning and marketing.

Create high-performance, affordable electric skateboards is our goal!